The remarkable Ms. Ke is set to be the "musical guest" for the upcoming third episode of the critically acclaimed audio sketch comedy podcast Yesterday Night Taped set for a mid April release.  Show-runner and cast member Jonathan Coleman states that he is very excited to have Ms. Ke's music playing on the upcoming episode.  Cast member D'ara Gray will also host the upcoming episode of Yesterday Night Taped in which Ms. Ke and her music will be featured.   Not only is the cast and writers excited to have Ms. Ke's single featured on the upcoming show, but Ms. Ke is also looking forward to this soon to be milestone in entertainment history.  Ms. Ke also states that she enjoys the show after listening to the season premiere, two of her favorite sketches were "Get It In Resort" which was written by Niana Renee and stars Niana Renee and D'ara Gray in the sketch, and Ms. Ke also enjoyed "The Date with Niecy Knockers" sketch that aired during the premiere.  The Date with Niecy Knockers was written by Jonathan Coleman and rising stand up comedian Laquita Johnson who voiced the title character of Niecy Knockers while Jonathan Coleman voiced her date "Steve" and James Draper provided the voice of the waiter as well as the random Niecy Knockers fan at the end of the sketch.

Listen to the Season Premiere of Yesterday Night Taped here on Spreaker

Yesterday Night Taped is also available on Spotify, Deezer, and iHeart Radio.

The audio sketch comedy series stars actor and music producer Louis Castle AKA Dallas NowWhat, media proprietor and voice actor Jonathan Coleman, stand up comedian, model and musician Andre Davis Jr., stand up comic from Rock Island, IL James Draper, improv and stage actress D'ara Gray, actress Monique Greene, classically trained theater actor Chamar Little, veteran voice actress Veronica Pierce, radio personality and comedian Johnny Ray, poet and spoken word artist Niana Renee, voice actress Katherine Renka and indie film producer and actor James Tavelle. 

Keep checking back for more updates on Ms. Ke's upcoming appearance on Yesterday Night Taped!

Get more updates on the magnificent Ms. Ke and her music on the official Media Blast website at http://www.TheMediaBlast.net  Although many of Ms. Ke's show dates and appearances have been cancelled due to the COVID19 pandemic, you don't have to wait to see Ms. Ke because her content will still be available on various media and entertainment websites such as The Media Blast during the worldwide lock-down!  Check her out!
Get updates on Ms. Ke on the Blacktopia website and Blacktopia Mobile app.  The Blacktopia Mobile App is available on iTunes (for Apple users) and Amazon.com (for Android users).  Blacktopia has a lot of great information and updates on all your favorite artists such as Ms. Ke so definitely download the Blacktopia Mobile App.! 


Ms. Ke and her music video "Where You Been At" was recently plugged and mentioned in the prestigious WOMEN OF POWER blog!  Check out the amazing article at the direct link below and post your feedback

The Women of P.O.W.E.R. always show love to many talent, creative and incredible women doing major things in the world such as Ms. Ke!  Get more updates on Ms. Ke and many other strong, incredible women at The Women of P.O.W.E.R. blog at http://www.TheWomenOfPowerBlog.blogspot.com


Keep coming back to Ms. Ke's music blog for more updates, news, information and new music on Ms. Ke during the COVID19 pandemic!  Ms. Ke has new music coming soon to entertain you and to take your mind off the crisis so stay tuned! 
